Management Fundamentals Workshop

What It Means To Be A Great Manager: A Comprehensive Guide



Highly interactive workshop for new managers focused on management basics and best practices. Be prepared to understand and practice communication styles, giving feedback, and building trust within your team.



 An organization’s ability to create, execute, and sustain a competitive advantage depends greatly on the quality and depth of leadership capabilities at all levels. Often, we find ourselves in a management position as a result of our technical expertise. However, after stepping into the role of manager, the responsibilities change dramatically. Paired with an ever shifting landscape of work, being an effective manager in this day and age requires an updated skill set.

Throughout this session we will explore the foundational behaviors that all great managers possess and define what it looks like to be a manager and leader in this current environment. Together we’ll review expectations and best practices for setting clear expectations, clarifying our communication, and building connection with your colleagues.

After this session you will be equipped to more effectively support your team and drive business results, whether you’re in front of a room or in front of your computer screen.  


 In this session you will:

  • Explore how your role changes when you become a manager or leader
  • Understand the current challenges of managing 
  • Align on the best practices and expectations for managers
  • Explore different communication styles and how to flex them as you influence
  • Provide fact based feedback that leads to action
  • Examine how to make your 1:1s more effective and meaningful
  • Learn and practice how to have conversations that build connection